Trainee membership is open to:
UK and Republic of Ireland trainees for the duration of their training. Doctors on a recognised programme of specialty training in the field of microbiology, virology, infectious diseases or undertaking dual training in these disciplines who has not yet been appointed to a consultant or academic equivalent position (with an academic equivalent position being that of senior lecturer, reader or professor).
Experienced clinical or biomedical scientists registered on a Higher Specialist Scientist Training (HSST) programme to become a consultant scientist who are not already eligible for Full membership via another route ; or
Those in internal medical training stage 1 or core medical training who demonstrate a suitable commitment to infection prevention and control, and who have an interest in/working in the field of hospital and other healthcare-associated infection should apply for Associate trainee membership.
A Trainee member will receive free membership, and will, for the purposes of HIS, be considered a Full member.
Upon reaching their CCT date, Trainee members will be transferred to Full membership and after six months, be required to pay an annual fee, which will be half the Full member fee (£30) for the first two years as a new consultant.
(note: the half price fee applies only to membership with electronic access to the JHI. Members wishing to have a print copy of the Journal will be required to pay the full fee of £70)
All membership applications will be at the discretion of Council.
Benefits of Trainee membership
- Free Trainee Education Programme and associated travel bursaries
- Opportunity to apply for generous grants, awards and fellowships
- Regular Trainee member email updates regarding HIS activities and initiatives specifically for trainees
- FREE or reduced registration fees for attendance at conferences, training events and courses
- Full access to the JHI complete archive (when logged in)
- 10% discount on JHI Open Access publication charges (when corresponding author is a member)
- 20% discount on gold Open Access publication fees for Infection Prevention in Practice (when corresponding author is a member)
- Access to members’ only resources, including past conference presentations and member only consultations
- Opportunities to influence national guidance and policy
- Opportunities to be involved in HIS Working Parties
- Full voting rights and eligibility to stand for Council
You can join at any time of the year.
Trainee membership is free.