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NHSE IPC Education Framework level: Check below to see which level the specific course aligns to
These courses introduce participants to processes and methods used in the development of clinical guidelines, including identification, analysis and interpretation of evidence related to clinical and cost effectiveness.
An introduction to guideline development (NHSE IPC Framework Enhanced level) is a one-day course suitable for anyone with an interest in how guidelines are developed, a lead in a hospital, Trust or region who wants to adapt national guidelines for local use, and those with ambitions to be involved in national or international guideline development.
Understanding network meta-analysis (NMA) (NHSE IPC Framework Advanced level) is a one-day course providing an overview of the statistical technique of NMA, which is being used increasingly frequently in guideline development as well as clinical research. The emphasis is on enabling participants to read, interpret and critique a published NMA.
Health economic evaluation (NHSE IPC Framework Advanced level) is a one-day course outlining topics related to health economic analysis, including cost-effectiveness analysis, and their application in guideline development.
The following features apply across the portfolio of courses:
Each course is currently offered in an online format using Zoom and delivered by members of the HIS team with experience in guideline development and associated analytical techniques.
To express an interest in any of the above courses, please email