Certificates in Infection Prevention and Control

Our certificates in infection prevention and control (IPC) recognise members who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to their professional development in IPC. 

Foundation Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control
For HIS members, attendance at 7 (distinct) of the 9 IPC Training Days in the rolling programme and completion of the Foundation Course on Infection Prevention and Control can lead to the Foundation Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control

Foundation Certificate in IPC Leadership
Full and Associate members who attend 6 HIS IPC Leaders' events will be eligible to apply for the Foundation Certificate in IPC Leadership

Advanced Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control
This certificate is currently under review because the Engineering Aspects of Infection Control is being redeveloped.  If you have already attended the Engineering Aspects of Infection Control you may still submit your Advanced Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control application.

See our full events diary