Foundation Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control 

Our Foundation Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) recognises members who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to their professional development in IPC. 

We run a structured Trainee Education Programme specifically for medical microbiology, medical virology and infectious diseases trainees which is aligned to the RCPath curricula.  The programme comprises a series of three one-day training sessions per year (in February, July and October), over a three-year period.  In collaboration with UKHSA, we also run the Foundation Course in IPC, a five session course. The Foundation Course offers the opportunity for attendees to learn from the leading UK experts and speakers in the field. 

To qualify for the certificate, attendance at 7 (distinct) of the 9 Trainee Education Days in the rolling programme and completion of the HIS/UKHSA Foundation Course in Infection Prevention and Control is required.


How to apply

To apply for the certificate, HIS members must submit the following to by email:

Certificates of Attendance for 7 distinct Trainee Education Days plus the Foundation Course in Healthcare Infection Control

A 500-word reflection for each Trainee Day plus the Foundation Course, describing the application of each event to their own practice - each Trainee Day must be on a different topic. All reflections must be combined in one single document that includes a minimum of 7 distinct reflections for each Trainee Day and a reflection for the foundation course

A HIS Foundation Certificate in IPC Review Form, with the ‘to be completed by applicant’ sections filled in and trainee days listed by the applicant in the table within the form, as per the order in the reflection document. Please download the form here – HIS Foundation Certificate in IPC Review Form. This form also contains the marking criteria that will be used by the reviewer when scoring your reflections

Applications may be submitted at any time during the year

Completing the reflections as soon as you have attended the training events and storing them with your certificates of attendance should mean the application process is quick and simple

The Award

Applicants will be notified if they have been successful in achieving the Foundation Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control within 6 weeks of submitting their application. 

Formal presentations of the certificates will be made annually at the AGM in November or December.  


To qualify for the certificate, attendance at 7 (distinct) of the 9 Trainee Education Days in the rolling programme and completion of the HIS/UKHSA Foundation course in IPC – full programme is required.

HIS Foundation Certificate in IPC Review Form

See our full events diary