Emeritus membership
Emeritus membership is open to:
Any Full member on retiring from his/her professional position following 5 years of continuous membership as a Full member.
Emeritus members do not pay an annual subscription and do not receive a subscription to the Journal of Hospital Infection. To change your membership category to Emeritus email the membership team.
All membership applications will be at the discretion of Council.
Benefits of Emeritus membership:
Membership is for 1 year and includes the following:
- Discounted registration rates for conferences and events
- Regular member email updates regarding HIS activities and initiatives
- 10% discount on JHI Open Access publication charges (when corresponding author is a member)
- Access to members’ only resources, including past conference presentations and member only consultations
- Opportunities to influence national guidance and policy
- Opportunities to be involved in HIS Working Parties
FREE (no journal)
Refund policy
Membership fee refunds for any part of a fiscal year are not allowed under this policy unless a duplicate payment has been made. In such a case, the claimant must provide proof of the double payment. In this circumstance a full refund will be made.