Dave Cunningham

Dave is one of the Clinical Leads within the NHS England National IPC team, with over 20 years’ experience in emergency care and 14 years’ working in IPC. He began his healthcare career in 2001, when he joined the Ambulance Service as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Qualifying as a Paramedic in 2005 and then a Specialist Paramedic in 2007, before moving into ops management in 2009 and becoming Head of IPC for the trust in 2013.

In 2019 he was Chair of the National Ambulance Service IPC Group, which comprises IPC leads from all of the UK ambulances services. When COVID struck, he took on the role of national IPC adviser to all UK ambulance services, also supporting other emergency services and private ambulance providers, and became a member of the UK IPC Cell. In this role he led the team on developing and implementing the COVID IPC Guidance for the ambulance sector across the UK.

In June 2021 Dave joined the NHS England IPC team as a Clinical Lead, where he currently leads on the workforce and leadership elements for the development of the IPC Workforce & Education Strategy to improve the capacity, capability and resilience within the IPC workforce for the NHS in England.