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Dr Lizzie Darley qualified in Medicine from the University of Dundee and subsequently trained in infectious diseases and medical microbiology. She took up her current post as Consultant in Infection at North Bristol NHS Trust in 2004. She is the Lead Infection Control Doctor, has also been the DIPC and leads for bone and joint infection. North Bristol NHS Trust is the largest Trust in the South West and after several years of planning underwent a move from two sites into one new PFI build (opened 2014) with a state-of-the-art healthcare facility. NBT is one of the largest Trusts in the country and provides tertiary referral specialties including trauma, neurosurgery, burns and plastics, vascular surgery, urology and renal transplant. Dr Darley is involved in all aspects of Infection Prevention and Control, and has particular interests in water hygiene, infection prevention in new builds and control of multi-resistant organisms in the acute Trust. |