20 August 2024
Healthcare Infection Society announces strategic partnerships with Industry leaders to drive change within the field
The Healthcare Infection Society's mission is, 'to provide healthcare professionals with the information, evidence and skills they need to prevent and control HCAIs'.
To deliver this, it is critical that we work collaboratively to exchange knowledge, drive change and integrate the latest scientific advancements into our work towards our vision: A world in which HCAIs have been reduced to the lowest possible level.

We are therefore excited to announce that we plan to establish strategic collaborations with selected industry partners. These partnerships will provide HIS with greater access to research, state-of-the-art technologies and expertise from a different perspective, allowing us to provide our members with unparalleled opportunities for professional growth and development. By bridging the gap between clinical expertise and industrial innovations/advancements, these collaborations will accelerate the translation of research into practical solutions, ultimately improving patient safety and care quality.


We understand that partnerships with industry require careful consideration and transparency to maintain the integrity and values of our Society. We have implemented robust governance processes and will adhere to the highest ethical standards to ensure that our scientific independence is preserved and that our work remains unbiased, evidence-based and focused on the public good.

In continuing the theme of transparency, the Society is at a pivotal point in its 44-year history. As a non-profit organisation with significant resources, we have been running operations on a deficit model for a number of years. The changing financial climate means that this model is no longer sustainable and will eventually become irreparable for the Society. Partnerships will provide the Society with the financial stability needed to continue offering high-quality and independent training programmes, events, and resources to our members.

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By diversifying our funding sources, we can better support our educational initiatives, research grants, guidelines and outreach activities, ensuring that we remain a leading voice in the field of healthcare infection prevention and control.

As we begin this new journey, I encourage everyone involved in IPC to actively participate with our industry collaborations; your expertise and engagement are vital to the success of the initiatives, and we value your contributions.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to advancing IPC which in turn supports the Society. Together, we will continue to make a meaningful influence in our field and drive impactful change.

Sarah Adibi



Corporate partnership opportunities - partner with HIS and drive change to fight HCAIs