We are calling for applications from HIS members to join the HIS Training Committee.

The committee responsible for overseeing Trainee and Associate Trainee membership recruitment and retention, the promotion of HIS activities, and establishing regular communication and engagement with Trainee members throughout the UK and RoI, in keeping with the strategic aims of the society.

The responsibilities of committee members include:

  • Work with HIS Council members, the HIS Head of Membership & Professional Development and
    the TC Engagement representative to recruit trainees as members of the Society
  • Keep the Society appraised of the current training context, and the needs and interests of trainees
  • Work with the Professional Development Committee to develop, promote and publicise the HIS
    IPC Training days and other HIS trainee related activities and opportunities
  • Work with the Guidelines Committee to identify trainee representation for working parties


Individual members will be recommended to Council by the Chair of the Committee for an agreed time period of up to three years, which can be extended by a further term of two years and as such, should have at least 1-2 years before their CCT date when nominated.


Time commitment for the Trainee committee is relatively small throughout the year, normally involves just three 1½ hour long meetings a year and one shorter meeting. Traditionally this has immediately followed the training days in the year to tie into convenience for trainees getting study leave and wanting to attend the day. Trainees sometimes (x2 or x3 times a year) may be emailed from by myself or the Chair of the TC for their opinion/feedback on a HIS project.

To apply

If after reading the information, you are still keen to submit an application, you would need to submit a formal email application to helen.davies@his.org.uk with a statement of interest, including a declaration of how long you have left before the end of training and any conflicts of interest (details of any positions you hold within another Society or Royal College).

Your statement of interest should include what you feel you can bring to the committee and why you are interested in joining. Your self-nomination should also be supported by your educational supervisor - a short supporting email from them will suffice. 

All applications will be reviewed by the HIS trainee committee and HIS Council.

Deadline for applications: 09:00 on 4 September 2024