On demand learning (5½hrs)

The learning outcomes for this self led eLearning course focus on understanding the basis of surveillance of both healthcare-associated infection and antimicrobial use and how the data can inform public health action and help target local interventions in IPC and antimicrobial stewardship.

This topic covers:Photo of Andre Charlett

Essential epidemiological tools and analytical epidemiological study design
André Charlett

André is the Deputy Director for the Statistics, Modelling and Economics department within the Analytics and Data Science directorate in UKHSA. The Department provides an integrated biostatistics, infectious disease modelling, and health economics function within UKHSA

Photo of Theresa LamagniPrinciples of HCAI surveillance: Approaches to HCAI surveillance, using data to inform action, evaluation of HCAI surveillance systems
Theresa Lamagni

Dr Theresa Lamagni is a Section Head within UK Health Security Agency, working across the Healthcare-Associated Infection & Antimicrobial Resistance Division and COVID-19 EpiCell. Theresa has strategic responsibility for the national surgical site infection surveillance programme and is the lead epidemiologist for streptococcal diseases

Principles of surveillance of antimicrobial resistancePhoto of Berit Muller-Peabody
Berit Müller Peabody and Katherine Henderson

Dr Berit Müller-Pebody is an Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, currently the Lead Scientist (Epidemiology) for Antimicrobial Resistance and Prescribing, Fungal and Sepsis surveillance at the UK Health Security Agency.
Berit served for 2 years as Chief Consultant at the AMR Reference Laboratory at the Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Photo of Katherine HendersonKatherine has over a decade of experience working at the UKHSA (and its predecessors Public Health England; PHE, and the Health Protection Agency; HPA) for which she is the lead on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage.
She has also previously worked within the Zoonoses team both in surveillance as well as incident response

Photo of Diane Ashiru-Oredope
National surveillance of antimicrobial use
Antimicrobial stewardship: Barriers and challenges
Diane Ashiru-Oredope

Prof Diane Ashiru-Oredope is the Lead Pharmacist for the Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Healthcare-Associated Infections, UK Health Security Agency and Global AMR lead for the Commonwealth Pharmacists Association. An antimicrobial pharmacist by background, she has chaired/co-chaired several multi-professional groups on antimicrobial stewardship.

Photo of Russell HopeSurveillance for public health action
Russell Hope

Dr Russell Hope, has over eighteen years’ experience, working on surveillance of healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) and antibiotic resistance at the UK Health Security Agency and its predecessor organisations. Russell has a background in microbiology and antibiotic research and is currently working as an epidemiologist leading national HCAI surveillance programmes.  He is responsible for generating National statistics on HCAI in England.

Using surveillance to target local interventions
David Enoch

David is a consultant microbiologist with the UK Health Security Agency and infection control doctor in Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge

Expected learning hours:

Self-led-learning via eLearning platform: a minimum of 5½ hours
Completion time for each session is approximately 40 - 80 minutes.

Access to on demand content:

Delegates will have access to the on demand content on the eLearning platform for a period of 3 months from the date of purchase.


HIS members: £115

Non-members: £150

Full payment is required by credit or debit card at the point of booking and no refunds are issued as access to the topic materials is provided immediately.  For full information view our payment terms.


This course has been approved for 6 CPD points.

RCPath CPS approved image