On demand learning (5hrs)

The learning outcomes for this self led eLearning course focus on developing a sound approach to the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections (HCAI).

This topic covers:Dr Jon Otter

Hand hygiene, changing practice and the role of audit
Jon Otter

Dr Jon Otter is a Clinical Scientist and Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and an Honorary Senior Lecturer HCAI and AMR at Imperial College London.

Martin Kiernan
Isolation and transmission-based precautions
Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) and Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
Martin Kiernan

Martin Kiernan has worked in infection prevention and control for 32 years in a variety of settings. He is Visiting Professor at the Richard Wells Research Centre at the University of West London, Conjoint Fellow at the University of Newcastle (New South Wales), Adjunct Honorary Research Fellow, Avondale University (New South Wales) and a Clinical Consultant to GAMA Healthcare.

Device-associated infections – What do the guidelines tell usJennie Wilson
Jennie Wilson

Professor Jennie Wilson has an international reputation as an expert in infection prevention and control (IPC). She has worked in the field for 40 years, as an IPC specialist in large acute NHS Trusts, a consultant epidemiologist at Public Health England and research academic.


Brett MitchellCatheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI): Burden and prevention strategies.
Brett Mitchell

Professor Brett Mitchell is an internationally renowned clinician researcher in the field of infection prevention and control. He is Editor-in-Chief of Infection, Disease in Health, a member of the Australian National COVID-19 Evidence Taskforce Leadership Group.


Respiratory viruses: Data, diagnostics and controlKatie Jeffery
Katie Jeffery

Katie is a Consultant in Clinical Infection, Infection Control Doctor and Director of Infection Prevention and Control at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Professor of Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology at Oxford University.


Cariad EvansIPC and High Consequence Infections Diseases (HCID)
Cariad Evans and Luke Hunt

Cariad is a Consultant Virologist and Virology HCID Lead at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust. Her interest in HCID pathogens started with the establishment of Sheffield as a member of the UK HCID Network in response to the Ebola epidemic in 2014.

Luke Hunt

Luke is a higher trainee in Infectious Disease and Microbiology at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS foundation Trust with a specialist interest in HCID, infection control and medical education.


Expected learning hours:

Self-led-learning via eLearning platform: approximately 5 hours
Completion time for each session is approximately 35 - 75 minutes.

Access to on demand content:

Delegates will have access to the on demand content on the eLearning platform for a period of 3 months from the date of purchase.


HIS members: £115

Non-members: £150

Full payment is required by credit or debit card at the point of booking and no refunds are issued as access to the topic materials is provided immediately.  For full information view our payment terms.


This course has been approved for 5 CPD points.

RCPath CPD approved image