Dr Becky Wilson

I trained at UCL, but have spent all my time as a doctor practicing in Scotland. Having been drawn to 'infection' since forever, I found myself becoming a microbiologist, perhaps even now not fully understanding the implications of what my future role in IPC might entail. I became a fully-fledged consultant in 2014, and am now a self-professed jack of all trades with no mastery whatsoever. Working for NHS Orkney (as well as NHS Grampian) I have too many hats to name here without boring folk, but Infection Prevention and Control Doctor for Orkney is one of them – and I love it! We may be a tiny health board, on a group of islands where ‘remote and rural’ genuinely means something, but I am extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to work alongside a remarkable, passionate and driven IPC team who believe the patients in Orkney deserve nothing but the best.