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Dr Tunbridge has been a consultant physician in Infectious Diseases at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals since 2006, following training in Birmingham, London, Liverpool, South Africa, Poole and Sheffield. Her interest in safe management of high risk imported infections began while she was a registrar, after volunteering to work in Toronto during the SARS outbreak in 2003.
She is the Training Programme Director for Infectious Diseases in South Yorkshire, and Vice-chair of the specialty advisory committee for ID.
She sits on the UK Advisory Committee for Dangerous Pathogens and was involved in rewriting the Viral Haemorrhagic Fever assessment algorithms and management pathway. In 2014, the Sheffield ID unit was designated as one of four UK Ebola surge capacity centres. This has now evolved into the UK High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) programme, of which Sheffield is one of 5 ID units, with Dr Tunbridge as the HCID clinical lead.
Sheffield was one of the first ID units in the country to receive patients with Covid in February 2020, and has continued to support the regional response throughout the pandemic. The HCID network is currently involved in responding to the Monkeypox outbreak within the UK.
Alongside these new and emerging infections, her specialist clinical interests are in HIV medicine and imported infections.