Dr Donald Inverarity

Dr Inverarity qualified in medicine in Edinburgh in 1995 and after some time as a trainee in infectious diseases, trained in medical microbiology and virology in London, Oxford and Glasgow. He has been an infection control doctor since 2009 and has advised on design and commissioning of haematology units, intensive care units, dialysis units, emergency departments, operating theatres and clean rooms to name a few. Additionally, he has chaired incident management teams investigating and resolving the consequences of contamination of healthcare water systems with Legionella species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and been an advisor of infection risk management during ventilation system failures in live intensive care units and theatres and major flooding events in live clinical areas.

He returned to work in Edinburgh in 2014 and has been lead infection control doctor there since 2015. Since 2019 his role has primarily focussed on issues of the built environment and identifying and correcting infection risks from water and ventilation systems and building design, most notably as part of the team involved in making the new Royal Hospital for Children and Young People in Edinburgh ready for occupation.