• Norovirus remains the most prevalent gastrointestinal pathogen. Outbreaks in healthcare and non-healthcare settings are still reported and norovirus is still estimated to cost the UK National Health Service (NHS) more than £100 million annually.
  • The Healthcare Infection Society have produced guidelines for the management of norovirus outbreaks in acute and community health and social care settings.
  • This page provides additional resources for IPC professionals in support of the guidelines, and will be updated as the new content becomes available. 
  • This guideline has been produced by key experts on the front-line of patient care and is freely accessible.  
  • Editorial: read here. 
  • The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) accredited the Healthcare Infection Society’s guideline development process as a mark of quality between 2015 and 2024 before closing its accreditation programme in July 2024.



Working Party


Paul Chadwick (chair)                     Healthcare Infection Society

Eamonn Trainor

Samuel Mills                                     British Infection Association, trainee representative

Claire Chadwick                               Infection Prevention Society

Sarah O’Brien

Cariad Evans

Claire Mullender

Pixy Strazds                                       Infection Prevention Society

Sarah Turner                                     Infection Prevention Society

Valya Weston                                    Healthcare Infection Society/ Infection Prevention Society

Michelle Toleman                            Healthcare Infection Society, Trainee Committee representative

Clara de Barros                                Lay representative

Graziella Kontkowski                       Lay representative/ C. diff Support