Preventing healthcare associated infections - guideline development

The epic4 Guideline Development Group, led by Professor Heather Loveday, is seeking feedback on the proposed scope of the new version via this link by 28 June. Epic4 is a collaboration between the Healthcare Infection Society, the Infection Prevention Society and the University of West London. The guideline will cover both acute and non-acute healthcare settings, focusing on the prevention of infections related to urinary catheters, intravascular devices, healthcare-associated pneumonia, and percutaneous enteral gastrostomy (PEG) feeding. The Guideline Development Group would greatly appreciate your comments and feedback on the scope, thank you.

Previous guideline

These guidelines are more than seven years old. Recommendations should not be used to guide clinical practice.

epic3 provides comprehensive recommendations for preventing HCAI in hospital and other acute care settings based on the best available evidence at the time of publication. In line with current SIGN and NICE methodology, this guideline was published 3-7 years ago and is categorised as # indicating that some recommendations may be out of date.  This guideline was produced by a multi society working group with representation from IPS, HIA and BIA.  Revised recommendation for intravenous catheter and catheter site care

Working Party

Guideline Development Group:

Heather Loveday                           University of West London

Jennie Wilson                                University of West London

Neil Wigglesworth                          University of West London

Martin Kiernan                                 University of West London

Carolynn Green                                University of West London

Aggie Bak                                          Healthcare Infection Society

Surabhi Taori                                    Healthcare Infection Society

Jacqui Prieto                                     Infection Prevention Society and University of Southampton

Lois Woods                                        Information Scientist, University of Southampton

Guideline Advisory Group: