Draft guideline Microbiological factors in the design, validation and verification of operating theatres: consensus guidance for infection prevention and control professionals and members of Ventilation Safety Groups is now available for external consultation. We would like to invite all our members and stakeholders to comment on this draft manuscript. Please follow the links below to access the documents:

  1. Draft guideline document
  2. Supplementary materials
  3. Comment form

Please use the comment form included for your responses and email it to consultations@his.org.uk  by 5pm Friday 21 March.

Working Party members


Hilary Humphreys (Chair) Healthcare Infection Society
Karren Staniforth Healthcare Infection Society
Joanna Walker Healthcare Infection Society
Andrew Thomas British Orthopaedic Association
Christopher Lynch Healthcare Infection Society
Craig Mackintosh Healthcare Infection Society
Catherine Wagland Infection Prevention Society
Giles Bond-Smith Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland
Helgi Johannsson Royal College of Anaesthetists 
Peter Hoffman Healthcare Infection Society
Kate Woodhead  
Andrew Poplett  
Lisa Tierney Association for Perioperative Practice
Graham Taylor  
Michael Soroka  
Robert Townsend Healthcare Infection Society